Theme and Variations

Friday, July 18, 2008

If I ruled the world, I’d free all my sons.

I love'em love'em baby.~

I have a dream; I think about it like an addict. I'm addicted to my vision. I feel something whole, yet I've only lived it pieces.

I dream of a time where neighbors work together. I see people sharing, participating, seeking help, lending a hand, and investing into the soil, water, air, and biotic community. I feel that it is not unlike the time we are in now; so it is also, full of much potential, opportunity, riches, engagement, and excitement as well as times that are not so full of life.

What happens here is that people waste nothing; for they find a great deal of value in all of the material and energy of thier surroundings. And because they understand that this ecology is valuable they become stewards of their property, street, sub-division, and region.

Homes, wasting nothing, seperate their garbage, compost thier organics, burn paper to heat thier homes, use water that rains onto thier homes, and process some materials into re-usable tools and materials. Energy from the sun, wind, water, and biotic processes are harnesed for the purposes of processing materials--which support the lifestyle of the human inhabitants.

Material and energy are traded first locally, but then regionally. Complex communication and organization networks are created as people specialize in the gathering and re-distribution of materials. Because everything is of value, money is earned by gathering and storing materials, while processing them so they can be sold at a higher price, and when a quantity that is large enough to sell is gathered, the material is sold to the community. The money is stored in the communities bank; from here the credits are transfered to the patrons as the deposition and withdrawl of materials from the community are made.

Every type of material can be included in the communities bank--the communities bank simply needs a location to store the material. This would include an electronics shop, recycling centers, compost centers, gardens, and other markets. The bank does not make any money from the community, for the bank is simply a custodian of the materials, and the materials trasactions, cataloging, and other tabulations.

Depending on the complexities of the markets, available tools, technologies, and long term investments of the community I see most common materials, such as organics, paper, glass, and plastics, re-used directly in the community. Organics form the soil for growing produce--which provide food, more organics, and surpluses for the market. Paper can be burnt for fuel, recycled, re-used, or converted to create another material. Glass can be used for the preservation of food surpluses or remelted for the communities building needs. Plasitics have a vast number of re-uses such as building materials and carpeting. Thier will be a greater need for efficient re-use of the materials, so tools can be created for gathering and processing and these tools can be made built from recylcled materials.

I can imagine small blacksmith sheds, tractors, armies of shovels, plots of land with primative plastic and metal smelting, and privatly owned facilties, owned by the community, that harness the vast improvements of efficient made through economies of scale.

Many of these processes are already happeing. Whats not happening is mass individual co-operation and faith. Their are paradigms upon paradigms; and so my dream is very confusing to make into a reality. What I need to do is to find the things that I like to-do, that aren't aligned prima facie , at first glace, and do those things. What should happen is something close to what I dreamed of. I need to do something; because I can't just keeping dreaming.

The paradigm is my dream involves more than just myself participating and my dream requires a bit of civil disobedience, for new rights, programs, and regulations would have to be instituted. So I don't want to be out there, sorting my trash, digging in my compost pile, growing my produce, working on my ecosystem--alone. Those activities cannot prevent me from being evicted from my property--though their far more valuble then what most audits would report.

So perhaps what needs to be done is the audit.

How much do we pay a year for plumbing and waste disposal.

If a neighborhood pooled thier money and paid for this treatment 'in house', thus starting the process of community banks, what are the cost and benefits? How much does the communities buisnesses pay for these proceses?

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Purpose: Ecological Services

To promote
Biodiversity, Resilience, Complexity, feedback
Neighborhoods, Communities, Regions
Waste assimilation, recycling, reusing, economy, animal habitat, food production, carbon sequestering, water and land quaility
Investing in pre-existing systems, entrepreneurial methods, creating ecocentric communities